Have a Stunning and Fashionable Luxury Wedding With Dubai Wedding Videography and Cinematography

Photography and Videography plays a vital role when it comes to special occasions like birthdays, wedding and get-together around the world. Very special occasion or event in our lifetime could be the wedding. You take utmost care in all preparations prior to your dubai wedding including the venue of marriage, style of marriage, customs of the marriage and booking a dubai wedding videographer and dubai wedding photographers to make this grand occasion a memorable one in your life span. If you are a resident of Dubai, enhance your thoughts to make this occasion a studding and fashionable luxury wedding with the help of dubai wedding videography and Cinematography techniques handled by the Videographer.

Our Dubai weddings showreel

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Difference between Dubai wedding videography and dubai wedding cinematography

Techniques, image quality and storytelling style differ in dubai wedding videography and cinematography. Videography doesn’t require creativity or any story telling style, whereas dubai wedding cinematography requires creativity to blend the captured videos into storytelling style. Hence, Cinematography is called an art. It includes capturing the moments in different angles and perspectives, though not recording the entire occasion, but still the entire event is covered in different faces. Making your wedding film more unique and interesting by not shooting video all the event time is a technique handled in Cinematography.

Some dubai wedding cinematographers use digital film based DSLR camera with interchangeable lenses to capture the amazing depth of the shots. All the shots moments in the event are interwoven with sound bits most appropriate to the occasion to give the most memorable storyline for your day. Videography is just capturing all the moments from the beginning to end of the event with no creativity. Editing is much lesser in Videography compared to Cinematography.

Styles of Dubai Wedding Videos

Each wedding Videographer handle different style or techniques while covering the wedding celebrations. Documentary style and Music video styles are the most famous wedding styles used by many dubai wedding Videographers in the past ten years.  Documentary style is similar to home videos as it shoots straight forward of events and cut back to another scene of your wedding. Editing of dubai wedding documentary style is much lesser compared to cinematography style. Music Style videos include a lot of creativity and artistic touch. Photos and videos are shot at different angles from lower angles, high angles, with large sweeping motions and interwoven with sound bit to give a feel about the event during  editing. This style of editing is done in a more professional way to give a cinematic feel. Due this new trend in Videography, Music style video approached the marriage occasions more dramatically. These are directed videos to get an idea what we would like to see on screen.

After the shoot of the videos, the videos and pictures are edited based on the style preferred by the client or by the dubai wedding videographer. Apart from the general editing, a dubai wedding highlights video is also made to grasp the attention of the audience like coaches, family, friends and teammates. Various tools or editing tools come with the features to make highlight videos. Some tools use storyboard creation, adding video clips of the wedding event, enabling a transition from one clip to another without abruptly, title clips to provide an intro about the video and sharing the highlight videos are the most common steps involved in making of highlight videos.

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Full length wedding videography includes the capturing of events from the beginning to the end in a dubai wedding ceremony. It is possible to make a short wedding film from the full length videos with perfect editing, by capturing the beauty and drama with the help of tight editing of interesting parts. Short wedding film has an advantage,  where you don’t have to sit and watch boring parts of the dubai wedding video footage. No Chronological order of wedding ceremony is followed in this film making. Title, graphics and special effects can be added to make this short film a more interesting one.

Make your wedding a more unique and grand with the Dubai wedding videography and cinematography techniques used by Wedding Professional Videographers.