Weddings in dubai

dubai wedding photographerDubai is also one of the major places for a destination wedding. When you hire a dubai wedding photographer make sure you tell him to capture the landscape and the city as a backdrop to your wedding. Portraits of the bride and groom are a must and should be a part of the wedding album. The photographer should also be introduced to closest family members and friends so he or she knows to capture them as well with the lucky couple.

So when you are planning your wedding in Dubai, keep these pointers in mind and you are sure to zero in on a good dubai professional photographer who will make your wedding pictures jump to life.

One of the most, most important things about planning a wedding is the photography. It is probably the only thing that will remind you of this perfect day of your life. So its best that you don’t compromise on your wedding photos because these pictures are the only things that will be left long after all the wedding glitter is gone. However, if you are planning to have a wedding in Dubai then read on to know all about what you can expect.

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What to do when hiring a dubai wedding photographer?

Hiring a dubai wedding photographer should be your first step. Start by talking to people or searching online. When you are looking for a wedding photographer in dubai, make sure you ask for a portfolio. A portfolio will help you understand the kind of work a dubai professional photographer does. Check the pricing so you know that the dubai wedding photographer you plan to hire is within your budget. Ask the photographer about his plans to photograph your wedding. Ask about the ideas he has for an outdoor as well as an indoor shoot. If the photographer is professional, he or she should be able to paint a perfect picture for you and make you understand the exact way in which he plans to capture your special day. Another important point to remember is, if your wedding venue is going to be larger then make sure there is a small team of photographers to capture everything around.

Once you have decided on a dubai wedding photographer, browse through some wedding photography sites to let your photographer know what you want. Here are a few pointers to let you know what can work:

  • Using warm tones during weddings is a nice way to suggest happy times. This is best for a completely traditional wedding like the ones in Dubai.
  • Going sepia for those special moments when the bride and groom are standing close or when they look at each other, makes the moment more romantic and gives it a feel of olden times.
  • Take a day out to do some rehearsals before the final day. This will help the photographer understand the best angles of your face and help establish chemistry.
  • You can also discuss the kind of make-up you plan to apply so that the photographer knows what can work well.
  • Weddings, now-a-days are not just about that one day but are pre-fixed with days of ceremonies and traditions. Ask your photographer to capture the entire wedding story.

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